Shereen Lani Younes

Shereen Lani Younes is a Syrian-American director, writer, and artist. As a filmmaker she writes, directs, produces, and shoots films and music videos, collaborating with musicians, filmmakers, and comedians to creatively push the boundaries of cinema and herself, committed to expressing honest and courageous work. She self-published her first poetry collection "dime piece" in 2016 and is currently writing a second poetry collection as well as her first feature film. Her work has been featured at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, IndieWire, AV Club, NoBudge, and the European Independent Film Festival. She also co-hosts the podcast Ethnically Ambiguous on the iHeartRadio podcast network, delving into the experience of people of color and marginalized communities while raising awareness about significant world news.
See more of Shereen’s work here.
See our teaching resources for this event
See more of Shereen’s work here.
See our teaching resources for this event
Watch Shereen’s Director Reel:
Student Bio

Lexi Bonaparte originally hails from Chicago. After attending high school in Arizona, Lexi moved to Seattle in 2016 while on an adventure to find out who she wanted to be. She is currently enrolled at South to get her AA in Political Science. She hopes to adventure over to the East Coast to complete her BS in Political Science and then attend law school with a focus on Constitutional Law. She wants to become a Federal Prosecutor and prosecute sex crimes. She also hopes to help individuals who were wrongfully convicted or are on death row. Lexi is a fur mama to two cats and a dog, as well as an avid gardener and cook.